Green is the New Black by Tamsin Blanchard

This book is a must read for every eco fashionista. Tamisn Blanchard has spent many years working in the world of high fashion and knows it intimately, yet manages to have both feet on the ground. She understands a woman’s natural desire for beautiful clothes and the conflicts that can arise when trying to balance this desire with an eco-friendly lifestyle. She openly admits that she is not a low impact angel and doesn’t expect you to be either. Her quick reading, information packed chapters are overflowing with easy and ethical suggestions to create and maintain a stylish wardrobe and lifestyle. The appendix is a treasure trove of links and useful information.

Personaly, this book is one of my all time favorites. My copy is on its fourth read and is proudly dog eared and coffee stained. Every time I read it, I find new pearls of wisdom and conviction. On many levels, Ms. Blanchard is my inspiration to start this blog and to pursue my goals in sustainable design.

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